7 weeks of weekend work accumulated into this final reveal. I'll say that we are definitely happy with the outcome. And, everything is complete, everything except shoe molding, a little baseboard paint and my prized hanging rod. Our motto: we will get to that next weekend!
After: We took out the old utility tub, added some storage and counterop!


After: We took out the old closet and added custom cubbies and a doggie cabinet.

More After Photos:

We enjoyed this 7 week adventure and hope you did too!- Jenn and Jason

Cabinets: Southeastern Salvage
Cabinet Hardware: Home Depot
Countertop: The Granite Shop, Franklin, TN; Color: Black Mamba, leathered finish
Sink: Ikea
Faucet: Home Depot
Floor Tile: Southeastern Salvage
Wall Tile: Southeastern Salvage
Wall Paint: Sherwin Williams: Color: Creamy, flat finish
Cabinet Paint: Sherwin Williams: Color: Repose Grey, satin finish