It didn't take a whole lot of inspirational photos for me to decide to go with dark doors in the kitchen. The original white doors show mud, dirt and a whole bunch of mess. I already had dark paint on hand, Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze, so it seemed to be a no brainer.

This project ended up being the quickest, easiest and cheapest to date. The only slight concern that I have is whether or not the paint will stick well to the metal doors and fiberglass panes. Time will tell!
Here's what I did over a 24 hour period:
1. Sanded: I roughed up the doors with sand paper.
2. Cleaned: I wiped the doors clean.
3. Taped: I taped around the hardware to help keep the hardware clean and then taped down paper on the floor to protect the hardwoods.
4. Painted: I cut the paint in around the window panes and used a roller to paint everything else. This required 2 coats and then a 3rd light cut in around some specific areas around the window panes.
5. Cleaned: Using a razor, I scraped the dried paint off the glass and then used a liquid cleaner to wipe down and clean the glass.